Ontario tax information for 2023

The personal income levels used to calculate your Ontario tax have changed.

The amounts for most provincial non-refundable tax credits have changed.

The Ontario seniors' home safety tax credit is no longer available for 2023 and later tax years.

The Ontario jobs training tax credit is no longer available for 2023 and later tax years.

The Ontario staycation tax credit is no longer available for 2023 and later tax years.

Ontario benefits for individuals and families

To make sure you get your payments on time, you and your spouse or common-law partner need to file your 2023 Income Tax and Benefit Return(s) by April 30, 2024 . The CRA will use the information from your return(s) to calculate the payments you are entitled to get from the following programs:

Ontario child benefit

The Ontario child benefit (OCB) is a non-taxable amount paid to help low- to moderate-income families provide for their children. The OCB and the Canada child benefit (CCB) are delivered together in one monthly payment.

To receive the OCB, you and your spouse or common-law partner need to file your income tax and benefit return(s) and be eligible for the CCB . You only need to apply once in a lifetime for each child under the age of 18 in your care.

If you are new to Canada or returning to Canada, call the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) at 1-800-387-1193 for specific instructions on how to apply.

If you are the parent of a newborn, you can apply for child benefits when you register your child's birth using Ontario's newborn registration service at Register a birth (new baby).

If you are not registering a newborn, you can apply online through the CRA' s My Account for Individuals by selecting "Apply for child benefits" or by completing Form RC66 , Canada Child Benefits Application.

If you have applied for child benefits through Ontario's newborn registration service, do not re-apply online or complete Form RC66 for your child. Re-applying may cause a delay in processing your application and issuing payments.

Ontario opportunities fund

The Ontario opportunities fund gives Ontario taxpayers a chance to directly reduce the Province's debt. If you want to contribute to the Ontario opportunities fund from your 2023 tax refund , complete the "Ontario opportunities fund" section on the last page of your return.

You will be issued a receipt that can be used with your 2024 return . For more information about gifts to government, see Pamphlet P113, Gifts and Income Tax.

Your donation will not be processed if it is less than $2 or if the refund you have calculated is reduced by $2 or more when the CRA assesses your return.

The OCB is fully funded by the Province of Ontario. For more information about this program, call the CRA at 1-800-387-1193 or by teletypewriter (TTY) at 1-800-665-0354.

Form ON428 – Ontario Tax

Use this form to calculate your provincial taxes and credits to report on your return. Form ON428 must be completed after you have completed steps 1 to 5 of your federal income tax and benefit return.

Who should complete Form ON428

Complete Form ON428 if one of the following applies: